This document is about how to integrate the eTrice generators with Gradle. For an introduction to general concepts see the Gradle User Guide. The user guide also explains how to build Java/C/C++ software with Gradle. Keep in mind that the plugins require at least Gradle 6.9.

Getting Started

In order to use one of the provided Gradle plugins and tasks the plugin must be listed in the plugins block of your build file. Further there must be a repository declared to resolve dependencies from, e.g. eTrice generator, modellib, runtime.

eTrice repository declaration
repositories {
    maven {
        url ""
    maven {
        url ""
For more detailed information about all provided classes also see the generated javadoc.


eTrice Base Plugin

This plugin sets up the build to generate code from model files. Use the provided generator configuration to declare the dependencies of the generators that you want to use and the modelpath configuration to declare model dependencies. Define model sources in the modelSet extension container. A model source contains the source directories of your model files and the settings for the generator to use. For every model source a generate task is created to generate code from the specified model files. Additionally the eclipseModelpath task is configured to create a suitable Eclipse modelpath file. Also the adhoc component is created for publishing a zip containing all model files of this project.

eTrice base plugin example
plugins {
    id "de.protos.etrice-base" version "2.3.1"

dependencies {
    // add the dependency of the generator
    generator "org.eclipse.etrice:org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c:3.2.0"

    // add a project dependency of the model
    modelpath project(":runtime:org.eclipse.etrice.modellib.c")

modelSet {
    // Define a model source
    room {
        source.srcDir "model"
        source.include "**/*.room", "**/*.etmap", "**/*.etphys"
        module = "etrice-c"
        genDir = layout.buildDirectory.dir("src-gen/room")
        option "msc_instr"

eTrice C Plugin

This plugin applies the model base plugin and sets up the room model source configured with the eTrice C generator. By default all room files in the 'model' directory of your project are passed to the generator. The target directory for the generated code is 'build/src-gen/room'.

eTrice C Plugin example
plugins {
    id "de.protos.etrice-c" version "2.3.1"

dependencies {
    generator "org.eclipse.etrice:org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c:3.2.0"

Model Library Plugin

A plugin for downloading and extracting model zips produced by the eTrice base plugin. Use the modelLibrary configuration to declare the model projects to download. The unzipModel task is set up to extract the model zips into the target directory 'build/modellib'.

Model library plugin example
plugins {
    id "de.protos.model-library" version "2.3.1"

dependencies {
    modelLibrary "org.eclipse.etrice:org.eclipse.etrice.modellib.c:3.2.0"

Source Publish Plugin

This plugin configures the adhoc component to contain the source zip produced by the zipSource task.

Source publish plugin example
plugins {
    id "maven-publish"
    id "de.protos.source-publish" version "2.3.1"

zipSource.from "src"

publishing {
    publications {
		runtime(MavenPublication) {
			from components.adhoc

Source Library Plugin

This plugin downloads and extracts source zips produced by the source publish plugin. Declare the modules to download in the sourceLibrary configuration. The unzipSource task is configured to extract the source into 'build/sourcelib'.

Source library plugin example
plugins {
    id "de.protos.source-library" version "2.3.1"

dependencies {
    sourceLibrary "org.eclipse.etrice:org.eclipse.etrice.runtime.c:3.2.0"

EtUnit Convert Plugin

This plugin allows to define etunit convert tasks in the etunitConvert extension. The etunitConverter configuration can be used to specify the classpath of the etunit converter.

plugins {
    id "de.protos.etunit-convert" version "2.3.1"

dependencies {
    etunitConverter "org.eclipse.etrice:org.eclipse.etrice.etunit.converter:3.2.0"

etunitConvert {
    convertTestResults {
        source "log"
        options.addAll "-suite", ""


Generate Task

Generator module

Use the module property to specify the generator variant by its symbolic name.

The symbolic name is specified by a file with the name of the generator in the resource location 'META-INF/generators' that contains the fully qualified name of the generator module class.
Known symbolic names of generators
  • etrice-c, etrice-cpp, etrice-java, etrice-doc

  • cage

  • etex-c, etex-java, etex-doc

Generator input files

The model files that are passed to the generator are configured using the inherited methods from SourceTask. You can add files using the source method and specify include and exclude patterns.

source "src/main/room", "src/main/etmap"
exclude "**/diagrams/"
include "**/*.room", "**/*.etmap"

Generator output directory

The target directory for the generated source files can be set via the genDir property.

Generator modelpath

The modelpath property specifies the directories that are searched by the generator for referenced models.

Generator options

Generator options are stored as key value pairs in the options map property, except for the target directory and the modelpath. These are specified in the corresponding properties above.

Generator classpath

The generator classpath contains the dependencies of the generator itself and can be set with the classpath property. All generator classes are resolved and loaded at runtime.

Try to use the same classpath for all your generate tasks. This allows reusing the worker processes and therefore speeding up the build process significantly while reducing its memory footprint.

Eclipse Modelpath Task

This task type generates an eclipse modelpath file. Use the srcDirs and projects properties to influence the generated modelpath file.

Executing this task will overwrite existing eclipse modelpath files.

Unzip Task

Syncs files from zip archives into a directory.

EtUnit Convert Task

Converts etunit files to xml test reports.